Dhammadipa organises retreats in various forms.
- The city retreats are 3 to 5 days.
- The city retreat offers the opportunity to practice intensively in order to purify your mind and look deeply within yourself to acquire new insights. The practice will consist primarily of sitting and walking meditation. After the meditation sessions, there will be ample time to evaluate and discuss how your personal experience compares with theory.
- Guidance by Aad Verboom and guest teachers.
- We practise from 10:00 to 18:00 hours.
- Daily a vegetarian lunch.
- Annually Dhammadipa organises 1 or 2 retreats of 10 days or longer.
- In 2023 the retreat from 11 to 25 August in the Maanhoeve, under the guidance of Adi Ichsan.
- In 2024 the retreat from 16 to 26 july, under the guidance of Aad Verboom.
- The next retreat will be from 21 to 31 august 2025, under the guidance of Aad Verboom.
- The Foundation Sangha Metta organises retreats from 3 days to several weeks under the guidance of Jotika Hermsen, Henk van Voorst, Sayalay Chandadhika and other teachers. See Sanghametta.