Where can you find us
Dhammadipa has moved out of St. Pieterspoortsteeg 29 in Amsterdam as of September 1, 2020.
Due to the Corona situation, we have decided against moving permanently to an alternative location. Instead, we will rent spaces for each activity in central Amsterdam or within the ring of Amsterdam.
Address: we will occasionally be renting a suitable space in Amsterdam so that we can meditate and study together in person. See activities.
Dhammadipa is run by volunteers. If you wish to contact us, please send an e-mail to info@dhammadipa.nl. Generally, you will receive an answer within one or two days.
You can ask the teacher questions about the practice after a meditation.
Postal address: Valkenheide 53, 3953 MC Maarsbergen.
Telephone: You may reach us only via e-mail.
Email: info@dhammadipa.nl
Bankgiro: NL85 INGB 0005019113 Amsterdam
Chambre of Commerce: 502 48650.